World Premiere

By: John Harvey
Directed by: Eric Doss and Michelle Edwards
May 13-28 2005
Needful creatures. Green fire. Night sweats. Melting Limbs. Must be love… and another dramatic production from Mildred’s Umbrella Theater Company. Company playwright John Harvey has rewritten his first two plays (both first produced by Mildred’s Umbrella) as one-acts, and placed them together in an evening entitled Needful Creatures. The plays include:
Eros: A Circus. Directed by Eric Doss. Featured Jennifer Decker, Josh Gray, and Daniel Laden who played three ex-circus performers rehearsing a play entitled Eros: A Circus in a run-down apartment. Or are they? Where are they?
They don’t know when the show opens, they don’t know where the theater is, and no one is sure if they have ever met the director, but day after day they practice scenes of love until the unexpected occurs and reality blurs into a nightmare.
Kama Sutra. Directed by Michelle Edwards. Featured David Anderson, Candice Bruder, Craig Cashio, Patricia Duran, Shondra Marie, and Mike Switzer as friends and strangers who spend one night together in a bar and end up revealing their affairs, traumas, and dreams of murder.
Cast: Eric Doss, Jennifer Decker, Daniel Landeros, Patricia Duran, Craig Casio, David Anderson, Candice Bruder, Shondra Marie, Mike Switzer